About Understanding Muscles and Movement
Understanding Muscles and Movement explains in easy-to-understand terms how the whole body moves together as an integrated system of muscles, tendons, bones, ligaments, and fascia; information essential for understanding the causes of problematic and limiting musculoskeletal imbalances. You will also learn the unique approach of The BioMechanics Method in regard to understanding how gravity and ground reaction forces change the way the body moves – knowledge that is imperative for designing successful corrective exercise strategies.
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What does the course contain?
- Online lessons featuring digital text material, step-by-step video instructions, and assessment demonstrations
- Client assessment forms*
- Skills tests and self-check activities*
- Online tests with unlimited, free retakes if needed
What will I be able to do upon completion of this course? (learning objectives)
- Identify essential anatomy information about muscles, tendons, bones, ligaments and fascia, including specific muscle origins, insertions and functions
- Explain the difference between traditional and functional anatomy, and how gravity and ground reaction forces change the way a body moves
- Recognize the major muscle groups that will dictate the exercise strategies used to improve musculoskeletal health and alleviate associated dysfunction
- Use anatomy and assessment findings to design and integrate corrective exercise into clients’ training programs
What else do I need to know?
Understanding Muscles and Movement is Module 2 of The BioMechanics Method Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification course. It is available for purchase as a standalone course to enable students to learn about the musculoskeletal system and how it can be negatively affected by imbalances while also providing an affordable option for those interested in earning a Corrective Exercise Specialist credential (TBMM-CES).
The remainder of the TBMM-CES course components includes:
- The Fundamentals of Structural Assessment
- The Fundamentals of Corrective Exercise
- The Complete Corrective Exercise Library
- Corrective Exercise Program Design
The BioMechanics Method® Corrective Exercise course is a step-by-step learning program. It is recommended that the course modules be completed in order to optimize the learning experience. If you choose to complete all five components of the program, you will receive a certificate signifying your competency as a Corrective Exercise Specialist from The BioMechanics Method (TBMM-CES).
Additional course information
- Eligible for continuing education credit with major health and fitness organizations (ACE 1.4, NETA 14.0, ACSM 14.0, ISSA 14.0, CSEP 15.0, AUSactive 7.0, CIMSPA 7.0, BOC 6.5 Cat A, VBOPT 6.5 Type 1, REPS India 7.0, REPs UAE 7.0, REPs New Zealand 8.5; NESTA, NFPT, WITS, YMCA, NASM, and other certifying organizations upon petition. Most physical therapy boards will reciprocate approval for continuing education. Please check with your state.)
- Eligible to count toward completion of the full TBMM-CES credential (must also successfully complete the remaining 4 course modules listed above)
- Purchase price includes all online materials, unlimited test retakes if necessary, and access to the course itself.
- Online courseware is non-refundable.
- The digital text materials included with this course are not printable unless labeled as such. (* indicates printable items)
- Course prices are in US Dollars.
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